First, free sample processing test
1, free of charge to provide samples and test the feasibility of grinding and polishing: As some companies have not used vibration grinding machine, do not know whether their products suitable for processing such surface, our company can be free for your company sample, see Whether it meets your requirements and the cost of the budget is reasonable, so that your company can fully understand their own products are suitable for such machines for surface treatment and can meet their own requirements of the brightness or flatness, and the cost of the budget is very accurate the result of.
2, for your company (plant) product surface treatment process transformation, improvement and polishing technology exchange. According to your company's existing production facilities and product requirements. I will be Secretary for your company to recommend or study a set of production processes faster than the existing, more cost-effective, to achieve better results of the grinding program.
Second, Longsheng (Longxin) grinding materials Co., Ltd. vibration grinding machine, and its related grinding fluid, brightener, cleaning agents so that your product surface to achieve the most appropriate, the most perfect effect.
Contact us
+86 138-2571-3156
Tel:+86 0769-82051260
Fax:+86 0769-83845056
QQ: 872404008 / 623540035
Address:No.89 Jinling Road, Jinhe Community, Zhangmutou Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China